Getting Started with Signal Flare

Installing Signal Flare

Chrome Web Store
Install the Chrome Extension

You can find the Signal Flare Chrome Extension in the Chrome Web Store

Pin the Signal Flare Extension

The Signal Flare extension is always available via the Hot Key shortcut “CTRL-SHIFT-F” (F is for Flare).

But pinning the extension to your toolbar makes it easy to use Signal Flare with your mouse.


Create Your Signal Flare Account

Use the “CTRL-SHIFT-F” hotkey shortcut to bring up the Signal Flare application and Click on “Create an Account”

Creating Your First Signal Flare

Go to Google Analytics

Signal Flare adds your annotations to all your analytics.  Inside Google Analytics you can make note of your marketing activity and immediately understand the impact.

Add a Note in Signal Flare

The Signal Flare extension is always available via the Hot Key shortcut “CTRL-SHIFT-F” (F is for Flare).  Or click on your pinned Signal Flare toolbar button.

Click on “Add Note” and fill in the details to make your first Signal Flare.

See your Signal Flares on all your charts

As you make more notes you’ll start to spot the trends and actions that are helping your website grow.